Look Out For Bird Droppings In Your HVAC Units
As gross as it sounds, its very important to remove any bird droppings or feathers that have fallen into your outdoor HVAC units. Not only can they increase the likelihood of mechanical errors in your systems but they can carry harmful bacteria that often cause illness in building occupants.
Bird fecal and feathers usually contain microorganisms such as Salmonella, so when blown through the ducts and vents into your home, can initiate significant health problems. These droppings can also clog the fresh air intake and evaporator coils within the heating and cooling system, and decrease the airflow from the fan.
The last thing you want is to be breathing in dirty, germ-filled air. To prevent these health risks from impacting you and your home, an HVAC professional should check the areas in and around the unit or system for bird nests and droppings on a regular basis.
If a nest, droppings, or feathers are spotted, the nest should first be moved while the birds are away. Then, any other remains and debris should also be removed, but be sure your HVAC technician is wearing gloves or other protective gear to avoid touching any harmful microbes and germs.
Next, the ducts and cooling coils should be given a thorough environmental cleaning. This will kill any bacteria or microorganisms that the birds may have left behind and will help to eliminate any clogs in the system. Your unit should then be back in business to keep you cool and ensure your system is working properly.
Call Heatmasters today at 773-777-5700 for answers to your questions or to schedule service at your home.